Many parents see tremendous benefits in sending their young children to a Jewish school that provides an education steeped in Jewish values and with a deep connection to their family’s identity. Right Start offers families in Western Massachusetts or Southern Vermont a tuition subsidy for their children to attend Jewish preschool.
Who qualifies?
An eligible child must be
- At least 2 years old
- A resident of Western Massachusetts (Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, and Hampshire counties) or Southern Vermont (Bennington and Windham counties)
- Jewish
- The first child in the immediate family to attend any Jewish preschool for the first time
- Enrolled in a participating Jewish preschool program that meets at least three days per week for at least a half-day.
What preschools qualify?
The following preschools qualify:
Gan Keshet Preschool
253 Prospect Street
Northampton, MA 01060
(413) 584-3593 x204
Jewish Community Center Preschool
1160 Dickinson Street
Springfield, MA 01108
(413) 739-4715 x312
Lubavitcher Yeshiva Academy Preschool
1148 Converse Street
Longmeadow, MA 01106
(413) 567-8665
What funding is available?
- One-time tuition subsidy per child
- Funding is based on the number of days a child is attending
- $2,000 for five days
- $1,500 for four days
- $1,000 for three days
Need help?
For any general questions about Right Start Grant or for questions regarding the online grant system, please contact us at Grants@HGF.ORG.
Please note that the Harold Grinspoon Foundation reserves the right to decline any application for any reason.
Apply Here